Boathouse Connect

Boathouse Connect is the on-line platform RRC uses for various administrative tasks including membership registration.


  • Is the parent’s or child’s email used for setting up the account?

Use the rower’s (child’s) name and email address as the primary contact.  But it is very important that the parent’s email is added to the account as well.  This will ensure that both the child and parent receive email communications. 

When setting up the account, use the child’s name and email address. To add the parent email to the account, go to the “My Profile” menu, select “My Profile”, then “Contact info” (top of page), click the button “add additional contacts” to add parent email addresses.  Now the parents will be included on reminders and payment notifications. Also be sure to complete the “Emergency Contact” information.

  • Do I need to include an emergency contact in my profile?

Yes! Hopefully there will never be a need, but if there is we must know who to contact!

  • What is the difference between credit card and ACH processing fees?

Credit/debit card processing fees are higher than than ACH/checking account fees. ACH takes a few days to activate. If a credit/debit card is on file, all payments will be made automatically. ACH payments must be manually approved.

  • Am I required to enter my credit card?

No. During the initial set up, the system asks for a credit/debit card. You can enter this info now or skip this step. You can also add credit card information later by going to “Finances” then “Add Payment Method”.

  • How do I pay by ACH?

From the left menu select “Finances” then “Add Payment Method”.  Then enter your ACH bank routing and account information. To verify your account, within a few days of entering your ACH information a couple of micro deposits and withdrawals will occur. Once complete, your ACH payment method will be ready.  

  • How do I RSVP for practice on Boathouse Connect?

After you have successfully joined your group, upcoming practices will be available to view. Go to Practices -> My Attendance. You can also RSVP via the Boathouse Connect app available for your phone. Your attendance may be set automatically to “attending” or to “unknown” depending on which team/group you are in.

Registration via Boathouse Connect:

  1. If you are using a registration link (from website or email), use the link to take you to Boathouse Connect, otherwise go to:
  2. If you don’t already have an account, create one:
    • Fill in the required profile information.
    • If you are not automatically made a member of “Rochester Rowing Club”, select it from the drop down menu.
    • You may need to wait for approval before proceeding to the next step. This may take 1-2 days.
  3. Go to Groups -> My Groups and join the group related to your registration choice, for example: “2024 Adult Learn To Row- Session 1” or “2024 Spring JV”
  4. Sign any required waivers.
  5. Make a payment. Go to “Finances” then “Add Payment Method” to add debit/credit card or ACH information. Please note:
    • ACH requires a couple days for account verification before transactions can be made.
    • Processing fees are added, more for credit cards than for ACH.
    • if you have a debit/credit card on file, all payments are made automatically
    • if you have ACH as your only payment method, you must manually approve payments